Intrigued by the latest, yet another, trend on Instagram stories tempting us to tick in the boxes: How many of these big cities have you've traveled to? (Not to mention the typo there; did you notice it too?!), I was tempted to draw another list, one that you are free to download and make yours, and yes, add to it, too.
Spot the typo!
How many of these places have you visited recently?
Your grandparents' home
Your parents' home
Your school playground
Your university canteen
Your college dorm
Your neighborhood park
Your best friend's home
Your old diary entries
Your favorite 'childhood' bakery
Your wedding album
Your attic
Let's relive some ordinary moments, shall we? I remember the summers of yesterday when a vacation destination meant only one place—the grandparents' house — and nobody complained. We didn't have travel goals or destinations to tick off. As passports got stamped, we got ambitious and excited with each trip (and why not). I hope this list lets you set equally warm, exciting goals.
P.S: I love Instagram, and my latest and fourth book titled, #icouldhavbeenaninstapost hopes to be a nudge to embrace the idea that, like most things in life, scrolling through Instagram can be black, white, and grey.